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by Joyce Nwaogazie » 02 Sep 2022, 02:45

[Following is an official review of "Privilged Descendants" by Gernot Hucek.]

3 out of 4 stars

Privileged Descendants is a book by Gernot Hucek, centered on the noble von Hohenwart family during the ten years that allied forces occupied Austria during the post-WWII period. Count Florian von Hohenwart, his wife, Isabel, and their two children, Lucas and Marie, returned to Austria after eighteen years in Switzerland in 1951. In their absence, Friedrich and Gretchen von Bruhl handled the smooth running of the castle. It didn't take much time for Lucas and Marie to get accustomed to Austria. They noticed how the citizens struggled to break free from the shackles of the aftermath of the war. Marie chose to go into politics, so she could be among those that would help Austria regain its freedom. Lucas went into the banking sector but later diverted to the agricultural industry. They encountered various circumstances, which they found ways to overcome. Gretchen had a daughter named Sophie Amalie von Bruhl, an art enthusiast who got involved with a married man, Mr. Aziz Sulayman, which was against their culture. Later on, Mr. Aziz was found dead in his apartment by a woman. An investigation was launched to ascertain the cause of his death. To find out the prime suspects and the ripple effect this incident would have on some of the characters, I'll advise picking up a copy of this masterpiece. The narrative kept changing from one character's life to another.

There were various admirable qualities. At the beginning of the book, the author lists the main characters' names. I thought highly of this gesture because readers were made acquainted with the names they would be seeing while reading. The author was thoughtful enough to incorporate live images into the book. I appreciated this gesture because it made the contents more striking. Readers could also visualize the message being passed across effortlessly. I loved the relationship between the von Hohenwart family. I appreciated that Marie could tell her mother, Isabel, anything bothering her, and her mother would advise and help her without derogatory words. And the relationship Lucas had with Florian, too, adequately depicts a balanced family. I admired how the author didn't make the chapters lengthy. This made the contents easy to assimilate. It also eliminated any chance that boredom would have crept in. I loved the fast-paced narrative and the authentic writing style of the author.

I noticed a discrepancy on page 15 of the book. At the beginning of the chapter, Florian was said to have been assigned 180 men to lead, but after some time, it was reported that he had been appointed 150 men. I was confused by this. Numerous characters were mentioned, and this made it an uphill task to memorize their names. These, however, didn't affect my overall enjoyment of the book.

An aspect that affected my appreciation of the book was the numerous errors I encountered. This showed the book wasn't subjected to thorough editing. Because of this, I'll be giving it a rating of three out of four stars.

I recommend Privileged Descendants to avid readers fascinated by books in the historical fiction genre with intriguing characters and a captivating storyline.

I just finished The Captain’s Destiny. I really liked the book. While I haven’t been to Vienna, based on my travels to the European cities, I really loved the details about the towns, the food, and the culture. It felt like I was actually there. 
It was a great story. Every time I had to stop I couldn’t wait to read what happened next... Can’t wait for the next book.


I finished The Captain’s Destiny and thoroughly enjoyed it.  It reads easily and lets your mind run amok with the pictures it paints.  When is the sequel coming?

Bonnie A.

I read the book in one day.  I couldn’t put it down.  I wanted to know what was going to happen.  I thought it started out a little slow, but came to life with your characters.  It was a beautifully written story. The only character I was wondering if he was going to reappear was Robert Jackson.  He seems to be the type who might have tried to sabotage their relationship.  So, I am passing the book to a friend.

Jean L.

Mit Spannung habe ich den Krimi-Gesellschafts-Liebesroman, Steve Waldman is Missing, gelesen.  Ich bestaune die unerschöpfliche  Fantasie.
I read with excitement the crime-society-romance novel, Steve Waldman is Missing.  I marvel the inexhaustible imagination. 

Wolfgang W.

I read with much anticipation The Green Plot.  Your lyrics always bring back pleasant memories of the time I spent in Austria, Baltimore, and Hungary.

Bonnie A.

The Green Plot was a spicy read, particularly the exploits of the provocative Magda - she certainly made her way around as the story evolved!  There are many interesting characters in this story, and establishing the relevance of each and creating thoughtful connections, was a great job.  I was turning the pages quickly  to keep up with the fast pace and numerous moving parts.


The Life of Nile “Buzz” Morris was a wonderful read.


Steve Waldman is Missing is a very entertaining read.  It is a fluid storyline within a complex plot that makes it both exciting and easy to follow.  The characters were well-developed, and it was very creative how they were tied together.  It truly is a good-feel story friendship and second chances. 

Jim F. 

Few days ago I took the oportunity to read Gernot Hucek's new novel: The Missing Crown.  Thrilling from the beginning, surprising developments and with interesting informations about Vienna.  It was a pleasure!  Congratulations to Gernot Hucek.  I am sure much more readers will follow my example. 

Wolfgang W. (purchased & read German version)

I just finished Steve Waldman is Missing and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I would rate the book equal to other mystery novels I have read.

Nancy S.

Steve Waldman Is Missing...what a good story and [I] want to thank you for writing it.  It was great plane[ride] entertainment.  The characters were very believable and you did a great job describing them.  I liked the twists in the story and always love a happy ending.

Charlene F. (Fan)

I found The Captain’s Destiny engaging and full of history along with much local color. I enjoyed reading it. I was awed by the  research and knowledge of the area. Your main characters were very likable and engendered much sympathy. My wife and I were both impressed with your diligence  to detail and history and how much of a page-turner you produced so well.

Marty R.

Steve Waldman is Missing:  die erzählte Geschichte ist interessant und hat such einen richtigen Spannungsaufbau.  Das verweben von guten localen Kenntnissen aller Schauplätze, sowie persönlicher Umstände  mit Details mit der fictive Handlung ist, finde ich, sehr gut gelungen und gibt der ganzen Geschichte Authenzität.
Steve Waldman is Missing: The story is interesting and has a real build-up of tension. I think the interweaving of good local knowledge of all locations, as well as personal circumstances with details, with the fictional plot, is very successful and gives the story authenticity.

Ludwig L.

I enjoyed The Captain’s Destiny.  The history was interesting, and the story was beautiful.


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